Hey, welcome to my website. My name is Trevon, and I'm the owner and creator of "Ancestors Wisdom". I'm a 5th generation conjuror, and I'm also initiated into Haitian Vodou as a Hougan Sou Pwen (Vodou Priest). I've been reading tarot and doing spiritual work for clients for 5years. In 2017, my bestfriend transitioned, and I went into a dark hole. With the power of GOD, my Ancestors and the LOA (the spirits of voodoo), I discovered my calling, and once again began to experience love, and joy. I was CALLED by the spirits to practice Haitian Vodou. My bestfriend's spirit, along with my team of ancestors, began sending me signs, sending me amazing friends and teachers, and guiding me. Fast forward to present time. Here I am, accepting my calling to help guide others reach their full potential and change the lives of the people I reach.
I named my brand "Ancestors Wisdom', because of the connection/relationship I have with my ancestors. I come from a long lineage of Priest and Priestesses, with most of those ancestors being Haitian/Creole. Therefore, I was the next descendent to be called into Priesthood. The Ancestors are always the first step when connecting with the spiritual realm, they are your protectors and guiders. Always give thanks and honor to The Most High & your Ancestors. Ayibobo!